October 2008 - September 2009
The Foundation announces the fourteenth (14th) annual Programme of research grants and educational scholarships starting on October 1st, 2008, which is addressed to non Greeks, full Members of National Academies, University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), postdoctoral researchers (Ph.D. holders), artists, elementary and secondary school teachers of the Greek language as a foreign one, post-graduate students and Ph.D. candidates.
The Programme covers the following fields only:
- Humanities: Philology, Literature, Linguistics, Theology, History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Educational Studies, Psychology
- Political Science: Sociology, International Relations
- Arts: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Film Studies
The grants and scholarships offered within the framework of this Programme cover scholarly research, post-educational training in the teaching of the Greek language and culture and/or artistic creation in Greece only and in the fields stated in the above paragraph only.
In principle, only persons of non Greek descent are eligible to participate in the Programme. As an exception to this rule, Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for category AI and AII grants only, provided they are permanently residing and working outside Greece.
Additionally, as a second exception to the general rule, persons of Greek descent (second generation and on) are also eligible to apply for a grant or scholarship, provided they are permanently residing and working abroad or currently studying in foreign Universities. More specifically, Categories AI and AII also apply to Scholars of Greek descent or citizenship provided they have a professional academic career of at least ten (10) years in a University or Research Institute abroad. Also eligible for the Programme are Teachers of the Greek Language of Greek descent or citizenship, who work at elementary or secondary schools outside of Greece and post-graduate students of Greek descent or citizenship, who pursue post-graduate studies outside of Greece (categories B and C), have obtained a degree outside of Greece and are permanently residing outside of Greece for more than fifteen (15) years.
The decision to authorise each application for a grant or scholarship is left to the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. The Board takes into account the recommendations of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, which is selected by the Board, but is not bound by these recommendations. Furthermore, the Board of Directors can grant or not an application without communicating the rationale. All meetings of the Board and all recommendations of the Committee are confidential and under no circumstances will they be communicated to the applicants. The submission of an application equals acceptance of all the conditions of the Announcement.
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