The amount of individual travel grants will depend on the specific project and detailed budget planning. Most awards fall in the range of $3,000 to $10,000 but depending on project specifics may be as much as $20,000.
Proposed projects must include a credible plan for broad dissemination of the resulting work in U.S. media (print and/or broadcast).
Grants are open to all journalists, writers, or filmmakers; staff journalists as well as free-lance, of any nationality are eligible to apply.
How to apply:
Applications will be considered upon receipt, with an emphasis on making Center projects as timely and news-worthy as possible.
Applications should be submitted by email* to
Applications should include the following:
* A description of the proposed project, including distribution plan, in 250 words or less;
* A preliminary budget estimate;
* Curriculum vitae;
* Three recent samples of work; (video samples should be sent by mail to below address in DVD format);
* Three professional references
Deadline: Rolling
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
1779 Massachusetts Ave.
Suite 615
Washington, DC
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